Achieving Haemostasis in a Surgical Setting - VIC Workshop

Workshop for Surgical Trainees/Surgical Fellows - by invitation only

Baxter invites you to attend an educational event on surgical blood conservation techniques and the role of adjunctive topical haemostats and sealants; plus use of adjunctive agents to reduce surgical adhesions.

Location:  VascuLab - Melbourne University
Address: Gate 11 Melbourne University, Royal Parade, Parkville
Time: Saturday 7th September, 2024


09:00 AM Welcome and Introduction to Lab
09:10 AM Baxter Portfolio Presentation
10:00 AM Dr Lara Freeman Presentation
10:30 AM Dr Tom Manley Presentation
11:00 AM Morning Tea
11:15 AM Dr Daniel Foley Presentation
11:45 PM Dry Lab
12:15 PM Lunch
13:00 PM Hands on Live Tissue lab
16:00 PM Wrap up and evaluation